Aethera Campaign Setting Free Pdf Download


Anonymous No.65650711 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting "Darkurthe Legends"


CityofCarse No.65650764 Report

Looking for Rolled & Told, Issues 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7.

Thanks in advance!


JaZZ No.65650869 Report

Anonymous Valentine Smith

Anonymous Valentine Smith No.65650906 Report

Quoted By:

Remember, my good Anons...


Anonymous No.65650957 Report

Quoted By:


valkyrie No.65651070 Report

So turns out Mediafire auto-flags files it recognizes that have been previously flagged on the platform, which means that half the files in my trove can't be downloaded. I have my suspicions of Mega and am not that familiar with the other platforms. Can the more knowledgeable amongst you make any recommendations as to another solid, as-anonymous-&-private-as-possible, free platform with lots of space?

Thanks in advance


Anonymous No.65651189 Report

Nergal 04/11/19(Thu)06:46:48 No.65644765


Couldn't thank in the previous thread, so here it goes.
Thanks a lot to Nergal and his donors.


Anonymous No.65651194 Report

Help a dummie out: where can I get the password to the O-S-R trove? Not the mega one.


Anonymous No.65651196 Report

Yandex and Allsync are the two best we know of. Though there are probably a hundred or so more file hosting places out there.


Anonymous No.65651239 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for the following Raging Swan Gloamhold pdfs

A Day Out at the Executions
City Backdrop: Languard
Dungeon Backdrop: Delthur's Folly
DB: Deszraul's Hold
Forgotten Sepulchre of the Father
Four Nights at the Orc's Head
Places of Power: Faywrack
Town Backdrop: Dulwich
TB: Dunstone
Languard Locations: Beyond the Walls
LL: Fishshambles
LL: High City
LL: Low City
LL: The Shambles
LL: The Wrecks
Shunned Valley of the Three Tombs
The Sunken Pyramid


Anonymous No.65651241 Report

Thanks anon, be pretty cool to hear if you do. Like I said, I know Eclipse Phase ain't popular around here, but I'm genuinely intrigued about the music and fiction*. (And those "hack pack" things.)

I really ought to get around to reading the stuff I've snagged off Rob Boyle's blog, which I think is all the official actual game material. Not easy to do on a little laptop, though... think I need a tablet to read on. Or a bunch of dead trees.

* - I genuinely like good /tg/ fiction. Wish I still had the Star*Drive novels that were out with classic Alternity.

Look in the last thread. I think Bytee posted it.


Anonymous No.65651298 Report

From Rogue Genius Games, I'm looking for 2 files:

Veranthea Codex: Lost Legends of Urethiel 2.0
Veranthea Codex: The Black Knight 2.0

Both for PFRPG. Thank you!


Bytee No.65651307 Report

Quoted By:

Allsynch, Yandex, Adrive in that order.


Anonymous No.65651313 Report

Quoted By:

Thanks a bunch.


Anonymous No.65651364 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for the Kurt Hill Atlas for Bethorm rpg



Anonymous No.65651455 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for The Slumbering Shadow from Dms Guild for 5E. Thanks!


Anonymous No.65651509 Report

Recently, some Grim's Amazing d100 books were posted in a vola.
Where would I look for system agnostic trove with similar of more of Grim's? Would they be considered 3rd party 5e? If someone could point a direction, I've got my map and compass ready...


Bytee No.65651512 Report

O-S-R @$n!p
pw = Grimlock
Wish list at left, and heroic-proportion thanks to whoever donated the Vigilante City stuff, and to Nergal for the cleaning.


CityofCarse No.65651543 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you sir! I appreciate your help.


Anonymous No.65651556 Report

Why is it every time you post I already have an erection


Anonymous No.65651594 Report


ICRPG Volume 4
ICRPG Heroes of The Hammer
Four Against Darkness: The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Four Against Darkness: The Crucible of Classic Critters



Anonymous No.65651615 Report

Humbly requesting this big book from Kyoudai Games for Pathfinder .......

Thunderscape: Challengers of the Impossible

Cheers & Thx!


Anonymous No.65651984 Report


Thanks to the donor!

Hey, /SaWo trove keeper, I saw you added the Earthdawn stuff to the trove earlier today, so don't forget to add these goodies too before they vanish from the Temple!


Anonymous No.65651988 Report

Got a bunch of indie/old school RPGs I can't find anywhere. If some of these were posted, please forgive. Been a while since I browsed and will be looking over past threads after I post this.

Eden: the deceit
Battle dragons
Knights of the round table
Fursona unleashed
Ikuisuuden Laakso
Celtic legends
Heart and fur
Retail Magic: Golden Friday Edition
Grimoire Great War RPG: Magicalogia
Wizkid The Cheapening
The obsidian king (LoreSmyth)
The Monster Hunters' Club
Akroydiesel Age RPG
Kill Death Business
MAGIC DESCRIPTION CARDS for Writers, Storytellers, and GMs
Deck of dreams for GSS
Blood & Ink: Tattoo Magic
Raspberry heaven
Mummy's mask item cards deck
Concept cards - RPG plot, characters, and location inspiration
The primal order
Matthew Colville: Strongholds and followers
Forbidden lands (Free League Publishing)


Anonymous No.65652045 Report

Does anyone have the foreign Steven Universe RPG who is willing to scan it? The people who made it also made the Adventure Time one. Spainanons? Anyone?


Anonymous No.65652146 Report

Perhaps next time, look before posting your insanely long list. More than half o these have been shared and are currently in troves.
Don't be a Gimme Anon.


Bytee No.65652191 Report

i have a decent collection at /O-S-R, and there's also /Worldbuilding.
Both are at $n!p. My password is just under your op.


Anonymous No.65652204 Report

I have 000, 001, 003 and 004 in .cbr format. Are they any use to you?


Anonymous No.65652285 Report

Quoted By:

Heroes of the Hammer is uploading the /r/sharebears vola as we speak


Bytee No.65652409 Report

That reminds me. /O-S-R is coming up on its 100th gb. I'm thinking of giving away some free PDFs to celebrate and mark the occasion.


Anonymous No.65652443 Report

Quoted By:

Heroes of the Hammer is in the /r/sharebears vola.


Anonymous No.65652452 Report

Requesting the backers final "Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought". Looking for this bastard for a while.


Anonymous No.65652484 Report


Got 'em. Thanks.


Anonymous No.65652755 Report


Anonymous No.65652788 Report

Quoted By:

Yeah. Already looked into, but was the old one without errata. :/

Thanks anyway. :)


Anonymous No.65652800 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for a couple Deadlands Reloaded items:

- A Fight They'll Never Forget
- Doomtown Reloaded: RPG Conversion

Many, many thanks in advance!


Anonymous No.65652818 Report

Quoted By:


You are generous & awesome /tg/er, Bytee.


Anonymous No.65652969 Report

Quoted By:

Has The Book of House (5e) been liberated yet?



Anonymous No.65652973 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65653060 Report


- Orbis Aerden: Reign of the Accursed;
- Dragons Conquer America;
- Intergalactic RPG;
- Elven Nations (for ED4th).



Anonymous No.65653823 Report

Requesting the D&D 5e book Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron. I can't find the book on 4shared, its all 3.5e stuff on there.


Anonymous No.65654069 Report

Humbly requesting Oddities, Artifacts, and Esoterica: Poisoned Pages for Shadow of the Demon Lord.

7th Sea Weirdo

7th Sea Weirdo No.65654093 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65654292 Report

Check the obvious trove, I'm sure its in there for months now.


CityofCarse No.65654401 Report

I have 0, 1, 3 already, but I will take #4 for sure! #2 seems a little difficult to get ahold of...


Anonymous No.65654785 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65654841 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you, Bytee!


Anonymous No.65654899 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting the Kickstarter Backer PDF's for:
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution
- They Came From Beneath The Sea!


Anonymous No.65654997 Report

Guess it's my day for density. FOund the 100 Things folder at /Worldbuilding, but couldn't find the appropriate folder at O-S-R. I admit, osr and fantasy games aren't my familiar territory, so I'm not sure where to look within your expansive collection. :-)


Anonymous No.65655272 Report

Requesting Steve Perrin's Quest Rules


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65655932 Report

Anyone ever seen anything beyond #1 on any trove? (/SaWo has #1)

In particular, 2,5 &7?


Anonymous No.65655949 Report


Anonymous No.65656387 Report

>Steve Perrin's Quest Rules
Have you checked the RQ trove? I know one trove got nuked but I've seen it in the past couple months in a RuneQuest collection.

Anonymous Valentine Smith

Anonymous Valentine Smith No.65656464 Report


/RuneQuest in the Mongoose RQ1 folder, I think holds what you seek.


Anonymous No.65656513 Report

Haven't seen 002 anywhere. Uploading 004 to your vola.


Anonymous No.65656599 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65656722 Report


#1 was the only one donated so far because it was given for free to backers of the Adventure Edition kickstarter. I'm seconding the request for the other eight issues.


Bytee No.65656760 Report

Adventure design.


Anonymous No.65656791 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65656849 Report

it's not obvious if i never come here


Anonymous No.65656870 Report

What do you need to know? I mean, it's SJW The Combining The RPG, so...


Anonymous No.65656956 Report

Quoted By:



FuriousPrimate No.65657216 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Fantasy Ground Modules

- MCDM Strongholds

Also wondering if there are other items available that aren't currently in the Trove?


Anonymous No.65657265 Report

Quoted By:

Thx a lot to the Tropicana uploader, I searched for that a long time :)

Anonymous Valentine Smith

Anonymous Valentine Smith No.65657328 Report

Quoted By:

Then please read the welcoming material in the OP. It will familiarize you with the obvious troves.


Anonymous No.65657444 Report

Quoted By:

Hi annons, im looking for more 3d files aside from the link from Da curated archive. Ty in advance


Anonymous No.65657527 Report

looking for "The Apotheosis: Dominions of Prestige" by Knotty Works (PFRPG). thanks much!


Anonymous No.65657652 Report

Quoted By:


There it was. Thanks bigly.


Anonymous No.65657845 Report

Quoted By:

Yandex requires a phone number to sign up now.


Anonymous No.65657889 Report

Quoted By:


CityofCarse No.65658468 Report


Anonymous No.65658652 Report

To Nergal and Bytee - I just sent a bunch of DCC related stuff to the inner temple cleaner - including the Kickstarter Preview of DCC Annual, new expanded printing of DCC Chained Coffin, second prints with new content of DCC adventures People of the Pit and The One Who Watches From Below


Anonymous No.65659033 Report

Requesting the Atlas Animalia Statbook for Shadow of the Demon Lord


I just put Oddities, Artifacts, and Esoterica up on theinnertemple


Anonymous No.65659042 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you very much.

'Tis a good day.


Anonymous No.65659361 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for
Two hour wargames
5150 bugs into the tunnels
5150 bugs no retreat
5150 bugs breakout


Anonymous No.65659735 Report


Anonymous No.65660050 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you again. One massive & resourceful trove you've got there. I've not looked much into OSR stuff, but now I'm going to have to delve deeper–!


Anonymous No.65660085 Report

Hey friends, what happened to the roll20 trove?

Anonymous Valentine Smith

Anonymous Valentine Smith No.65660138 Report

Quoted By:

Last thread (link in the OP) it was mentioned that several troves took a hit recently. That might've been one of them. Otherwise, it might be down temporarily for curating.


CityofCarse No.65660882 Report

Space Hulk 4th Edition Boards are complete. I know the Rulebook and Mission book are out there, but don't think the boards are. Thanks to a gracious anon for getting these to me to scan!

Included the Rulebook and Mission book as well just for the hell of it.




Anonymous No.65661058 Report

>SJW The Combining The RPG
What do you mean?


Anonymous No.65661073 Report

So, this "inner temple" is a reddit site?


Anonymous No.65661126 Report

Quoted By:

Index Card RPG Volume 4
Four Against Darkness: The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Four Against Darkness: The Crucible of Classic Critters
Tales of the Sun-Kissed Vale
Heroes of the Tales
Furies of the Barrens RPG
Tales of Beasts and Perils GM's book for DESU


Anonymous No.65661215 Report

Quoted By:

It means he's a shitposting fag from /tv/

Read the FAQ and educate yourself, my dude.


JaZZ No.65661221 Report

Quoted By:


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65661925 Report

Quoted By:

Actually, I got #1 from Explorer before SWADE KS started - perhaps it was free on last KS before recent Adv edition. In any event, it's weird how nearly everything else is in there.


Anonymous No.65662319 Report

Quoted By:


Requesting Dark Streets & Darker Secrets


Anonymous No.65662394 Report

Quoted By:

That's what we have the first post for, with Step 0, and it is obvious that you always read the first post in forums, isn't it? ;-)


Anonymous No.65662414 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Manastorm: World of Shin'ar for 5e


Anonymous No.65662524 Report

Does anyone have a pdf of Dracula's America: Forbidden Power?


Anonymous No.65662589 Report

Quoted By:


SAGA Book of Battles
SAGA Age of Magic
Basic Impetus 2



Anonymous No.65662688 Report


Anonymous No.65662812 Report


Anonymous Valentine Smith

Anonymous Valentine Smith No.65662813 Report

>DA: SotW: FP
The first two books are in a trove, but this one hasn't yet shown up round these parts.

You might post a txt file request in a vola room or three.


Anonymous No.65663093 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65663534 Report

Hi, is Strata: a Spire RPG sourcebook availible please ??


Anonymous No.65663547 Report

The latest KS update says it won't be out until May at least.


Anonymous No.65663554 Report

(and PDFs by the end of April likely but not surely)


Anonymous No.65663583 Report

Quoted By:

thanks for the info


Anonymous No.65663639 Report

When they tried to revive the game 10 year ago i told the og creator it will never sell with the OG Cover with the giant codpiece


Anonymous No.65663648 Report

Quoted By:

^ never sell without

the cod piece is the key to marketing


Anonymous No.65663664 Report

Quoted By:

Any luck yet on Shadowlands for 5e yet?


Anonymous No.65663961 Report


Nergal No.65664025 Report




Bytee No.65664072 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65664336 Report


#2 through #7 donated. #8 doesn't have anything I am interested in but I will eventually get #9 when I have the disposable income for it.


Anonymous No.65664452 Report


That's not a Mega link, is it?


Anonymous No.65664474 Report

Quoted By:

Nope, space of send.


Anonymous No.65664651 Report

Quoted By:

Top of the last thread. Look for k3tamin3s post.


Anonymous No.65664747 Report

Anyone know where I can get some Order of the Stick stuff? I've only managed to get Uncivil Servant, Haleo and Julelan, How the Paladin Got His Scar, and Start of Darkness. In other words, that means that I'm missing:
>Dungeon Crawlin' Fools
>No Cure for the Paladin Blues
>War and XPs
>Don't Split the Party
>Blood Runs in the Family
>On the Origin of PCs
>Good Deeds Gone Unpunished
>Snips, Snails and Dragon Tales
>The Order of the Stick Coloring Book
>Spoiler Alert
And probably a few things that I've never heard of. Surely we've got them somewhere?


Anonymous No.65664899 Report

Anybody got Scion 1e?


Nergal No.65665206 Report


Anonymous No.65665249 Report

Quoted By:



Anonymous No.65665287 Report

Looking for a 3-module series by Cut to the Chase Games for Pathfinder rules

> TG1 Lost Temple of Ibholtheg (PF)
> TG2 Tongues of the Screaming Toad (PF)
> TG3 Shadow Out of Sapphire Lake (PF)

Much appreciation for any help!


Anonymous No.65665314 Report

Quoted By:

Anybody got "Mirrors of the Abyss" from DM's Guild?


Anonymous No.65665316 Report

Quoted By:

Kindly requesting the EPT zine The Excellent Travelling Volume Issues #1-8


Anonymous No.65665401 Report

Quoted By:

AAW Games has a 5e zine that they put out called 'Mini-Dungeon Monthly'.

Would anyone be able to share the first two editions of the zine? Thank you in advance.


Anonymous No.65665615 Report

I'm looking for 3D files from (recent) kickstarters, like the ones that are on DaArchive. Does anyone have something to share? I have my own to upload but maybe the efforts were already being centralized.


Anonymous No.65665660 Report

The link for MYFAROG 2.6 is down, could someone reupload? Cheers in advance.


Anonymous No.65665882 Report

Quoted By:

A kindly request for a large new book - Careless Adventurer's Guide to Hazards - by Menagerie Press for 5e. TYVM ....


Anonymous No.65666786 Report

>The link for MYFAROG 2.6 is down
Probably shamed.


Anonymous No.65666899 Report

Quoted By:

And not without good reason.


Anonymous No.65666985 Report

No probs. I have 006 in physical format, which I could attempt to scan, if you like?


Anonymous No.65667202 Report


Anonymous No.65667323 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting "The Eye of Xalath", the most recent adventure released for Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition.

Thanks in advance!


howhow No.65667442 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65667689 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65667720 Report

Quoted By:


A huge thank you to the generous donor!

Lots of long sought after Savage Worlds goodies showing you lately. It feels like Christmas!

Kindly Little Old Warrior Noble

Kindly Little Old Warrior Noble No.65667722 Report

Quoted By:

Very kewl! Thanks for all your work Bytee! :-)

Kindly Little Old Warrior Noble

Kindly Little Old Warrior Noble No.65667770 Report

Quoted By:

Kindly requesting Eldritch Tales GM Reference Screen & Reference Sheets... Thank you in advance. :-)


Anonymous No.65667837 Report

Does anyone have the Osprey book about the Milvian Bridge?


Anonymous No.65667905 Report


Anonymous No.65668048 Report

It's on theinnertemple for one more day


Anonymous No.65668115 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65668134 Report

Requesting from Metal Weave Games

Atlas Animalia
Atlas Animalia Statbook: D&D 5e
Atlas Animalia: Player Options for D&D 5e
Embers System Companion: D&D 5e


Anonymous No.65668152 Report

Looking for following PF pdfs:
Return to Castle Shadowcrag and
Demon Cults and Secret Societies by Kobold Press
GMs Miscellany Places of Power by Raging Swan
Legendary Planet AP (any except Assimilation Strain&Dead Vault Descent)
Aethera Field Guide
Plight of the Tuatha AP 2&3 by Mor Games
In Vino Gigantus and
How Orcus Stole Christmas by Frog Gods


Anonymous No.65668461 Report

Quoted By:

Also looking for Orbis Aerden, but so far I haven't seen it shared anywhere.


Anonymous No.65669028 Report

Atlas Animalia is on the innertemple right now


Anonymous No.65669046 Report

Humbly requesting the lastest (ten) editions of Knights of the dinner table


Anonymous No.65669122 Report

Quoted By:

Some kind person uploaded a bunch of Beyond the Gates of Antares stuff to the graveyard. Does anybody have the newer supplements Dronescourge and Chryseis Shard?


Anonymous No.65669394 Report

That's the SOTDL statblock version. I've requested the 5e statblock version and the system neutral version


Anonymous No.65669722 Report

Requesting Achtung Cthulhu! Zero Point parts 1, 2, and 3, the newer revised editions with standard CoC rules.


Anonymous No.65669999 Report

lookin' for "City of Clocks" (systemless setting book).


Anonymous No.65670174 Report

Quoted By:

Call me a moron, but I couldn't find the vast majority of these.


JaZZ No.65670291 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65670318 Report


Anonymous No.65670510 Report

Quoted By:

a million thanks! I had looked everywhere!


Anonymous No.65670562 Report

Seconding Atlas Animalia.


Anonymous No.65670564 Report

Quoted By:


/Cthulhu @ snip


Anonymous No.65670611 Report

I'm looking for this card game. It looks great but has been sold to a company that have no plan on releasing it. Even the youtube rules videos have been taken down.


Anonymous No.65670696 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65670973 Report

Quoted By:

And all gods forbid you take the time and personal effort to make the very simple conversions.
Guess you SOL for a while longer then.


Anonymous No.65671237 Report

Anyone have EABA stuff? I'm curious because of the current sale on bundle of holding, but want to check out to see if it's worth it.


Anonymous No.65671283 Report

It's been out for ages...



Anonymous No.65671304 Report


Anonymous No.65671347 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65671385 Report

Quoted By:

I wish I could help you, but this magazine/comic seems to be very hard to find...


Anonymous No.65671521 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65671554 Report

Quoted By:

Hello. Does anyone have Made Men - Welcome to the Family, from Mad Moon Rackets?

Thanks in advance, you guys are the best!


Anonymous No.65671574 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65671576 Report

Wondering if anyone has and would be willing to share the final PDFs for DCC Lankhmar? I was hoping they would be out by now...


Anonymous No.65671593 Report

Is posting txt requests in volas accepted as normal now? Last time I heard about it people were complaining it was annoying as fuck.


Anonymous No.65671726 Report

Quoted By:

FFG Trove Anon here. Sorry 'bout the lateness. Trove is finally done but I had some health issues. Gonna get a few hours rest before making the mirror and finally finally putting it up.


Anonymous No.65671740 Report

It still is. The graveyard accepts them and thus the requesters erroneously feel its fine for others too.


Anonymous No.65671833 Report

Don't know how final they are but I collected what was put up on theinnertemple a few days ago. I'll put it up again. There are several files so give it like 5-10 min


CityofCarse No.65672190 Report

Quoted By:

Sure! I would appreciate that! In the meantime, I will look about for #2, 5, and 7.

Master Wu

Master Wu No.65672244 Report

I guess I should check on these things more often. MWKFC is down until I find a new home.


Anonymous No.65672501 Report

Master Wu

Master Wu No.65672604 Report

Quoted By:

Having some account issues. I'll get er back up as soon as I can.


Anonymous No.65672687 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65672904 Report

Quoted By:

Long shot but I'd love to take a look at Dialect


Anonymous No.65672973 Report

Gentlemen, I'm looking for a game but I barely remember it, so it may be a little bit confusing.

I remember a game which happens in world filled with dungeons popping everywhere everytime and it's kind like the paradise for some dungeon crawlers faggots out there.

I don't have a clue about the system used, is it fate, a d20 stuff or else.

I think the overall designs for the characters and all was kinda of mangas or anime like, but i'm really not sure about that one.

All I remember is, you're a team of adventurers, some classic teaming with a rogue, warrior, a wizzie and such.You clean a dungeon, and you sell your stuff at your starting village.

Even by reading what I wrote it seems fuzzy, but if it rings a bell to anyone, maybe there's hope...


Anonymous No.65673016 Report

Do you know if it was American made or something Japanese-translated?


Anonymous No.65673061 Report

That sounds like 13th age's Living Dungeons


Anonymous No.65673316 Report

Quoted By:

By reading what I wrote, it looks like a japanese rpg, with crude setting to play some basic rpg, but I may not remember at all of all the setting involved in there, and only remember the part with the dungeons popping.
I'm skimming quickly around the F&F summary of this game, and it looks like it could be it, if so I don't have any idea why I thought of weebs stuff for the art direction. maybe reading those L5R books fucked up my memory big time.

Anyway thanks for the tips.


Anonymous No.65673690 Report


Anonymous No.65673760 Report

Tiny Dungeon?
Burning Wheel?


Anonymous No.65674364 Report


Meikyuu Kingdom.


Anonymous No.65674600 Report

Looking for a few PDFs from Purple Duck Games for Pathfinder:

1. Heroes of the Seven Principalities
2. Shibaten of Porphyra
3. Spiritualists of Porphyra
4. Unchained Summoner Codex

Thanks, folks.


Anonymous No.65674628 Report

Maybe someone here knows

I vaguely remember an RPG where part of your stats was the favor certain greek gods had towards you (they may have even been other players). Ring any bells?


Anonymous No.65674676 Report

Don't know why it bugged me for so long to know the name of this game and to reread about the stuff in it, but thank you; you're truly a champion to find it even with my bare minimum description and probably wrong.
Nonetheless, guys, those suggestions are interesting too,gonna check them out, thanks

Anonymous Valentine Smith

Anonymous Valentine Smith No.65674745 Report

Never played nor read it but sounds like it could be part of it.
Surprisingly few rpgs have much to directly do with the greek gods.
d20 The Greek Gods
Age of Heroes (or something like that)
Waaay back we got Heroes of Mt Olympus (a box set from 81-82)
No doubt GURPS has something

Hope that helps. :-)


Anonymous No.65674809 Report

Personally never seen any room mod say it's annoying as fuck. If they did, I'd not suggest it.
If they don't, then it's a useful thing and many many requests posted as such get fulfilled in short order.


Anonymous No.65674826 Report

Quoted By:

Iwas something like "you took Artemis as a goddess watching you, so you're favored in these tasks" and then of course the GM could make demands based on the eyes on you.


Anonymous No.65674832 Report

Quoted By:

requesting Azoun's Guide to Heroic Collaboration

DMs Guild

Thank you


Anonymous No.65674889 Report

Does anybody have Ultimate Onmyodo (PFRPG) from Interjection Games? Cheers!


Anonymous No.65674932 Report

uploaded to the inner temple plus 100 rumors to hear on Urth


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65675084 Report

Thank you very much!

I am a SaWo on the fencer since I haven't gotten a game together to try much - but I enjoy reading the books and stories, especially the Deadlands stuff.


Anonymous No.65675132 Report

Quoted By:

Terror Network folder at SS /file/jnbc1v in Da Archive is dead.
Could anyone upload it again? Thanks


Anonymous No.65675158 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65675523 Report

Kindly requesting an OSR book - The Road to Hell - by D101 Games. Uses Swords & Wizardry rules. Thanks, intrepid /tg/ers!


Anonymous No.65675566 Report

Requesting 5e Solo Gamebooks The Tortured Land


Anonymous No.65675609 Report

Quoted By:

Lords of Olympus?


Anonymous No.65675635 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone got Fight! The 2nd Ed on Kickstarter looks good, but I'd like a look at 1st Ed behold I back.


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65675788 Report

Recently read some stuff on Martin's Wild Cards books. I had not known it came originally from Superworld games.

I heard that later SJGs came out with a Wild Cards Campaign book? that depended on having Supers and I guess a core GURPS book? I never touched GURPS so no idea what was needed for a complete Wild Cards experience.

Finally, and perhaps more useful to modern gaming is I heard Green Ronin also made a Wild Cards campaign/rulebook for Mutants & Masterminds.

"Heard" is a poor way of saying Wiki really :)

I found Superworld & MM "Wild Cards" books in the HeroTrove. I assume that was all there is?

Anyone know if GURPS version is out there?


Anonymous No.65675866 Report

Pls share Free League trove, I need them Murant Year Zero, Mechatron and Elysium books. If anything else from Modiphus is in the trove, greatly appreciatd.


Anonymous No.65675990 Report

@ snip


Anonymous No.65676218 Report

Quoted By:

anon I fucking love you


Anonymous No.65676246 Report

Quoted By:


The GURPS general maintains trove. The link is in their OP.


Anonymous No.65676296 Report

FFG anon here. Done. This one has all of what I could scrounge up. The most lacking is Legends and Lairs which I could only find one book for. I'd love if anyone put me in the direction of more. Also SWD6 only has a few books because that's what FFG has. For the game's entire 10+ gigs, you have to go elsewhere.


MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g

MageGuru !1mpu.dpn.g No.65676298 Report

Yeap, I got the Wildcards stuff, and yes there is a GURPS Supers Wildcards sourcebook and an adventure... Added to /Innertemple.

(Was a fan of the Wildcards Novels, LONG before Game of Thrones ever hit the shelves)


Anonymous No.65676528 Report

Quoted By:

Any more Tyrant's Grasp drops?


Anonymous No.65676538 Report

Quoted By:


Anon demands timestamped knee as payment.


Anonymous No.65676551 Report

Quoted By:


Mazes & Minotaurs had something vaguely like that IIRC


Anonymous No.65676619 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65676676 Report


Anonymous No.65676723 Report

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Anon! Damn these were a bitch to search for.


Anonymous No.65676754 Report


Anonymous No.65676775 Report

Quoted By:

De nada, happy to help out.


Anonymous No.65676854 Report

I would have never known there was a new version of mutant year zero, if not for you asking for it lol
thanks for the ask.


Anonymous No.65677690 Report


Anonymous No.65678283 Report


Just sent Silent Titans book, maps and paper minis to Nergal for cleaning.
Also sent 2nd expanded printing of DCC80 Intrigue at the court of Chaos


Anonymous No.65678552 Report

Quoted By:

No thanks necessary! Only people who need thanking are all the anons who scan these things. I just put a paperclip on a few of 'em.
Debating trying my hand at a Modiphius one next but I'll revisit that idea in a few months.


Anonymous No.65678759 Report

Quoted By:

You just described every RPG down to the dungeon crawl faggots.


Anonymous No.65678780 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65678870 Report

There is also a beta preview for the upcoming Mutant Year Zero: Elysium where you play a team of human investigators in an underground sealed arcologyy doomed to fail, run by zaibatsu families that built the place to wait out the apocalypse; a pinch of Paranoia, Bioshock and Lazarus and a whole lot of art deco, cyberpunk and Judge Dredd for good measure. It is pretty good and pretty playable even in its current state, here's the link, it was missing in the trove




Anonymous No.65678932 Report

Holy crap what a trove! Thank you so much for sharing all of this!!!


Anonymous No.65679503 Report

Thank you. I've been disappointed by Mechatron but hope Elysium is better for me.


Anonymous No.65679535 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65679664 Report

Looking for Overlight Core Book


Anonymous No.65679874 Report

Quoted By:

Hi annon, I'm also into 3d files. right now I dont have any extra files aside the ones on the trove.

Speaking of kickstarter which ones are you looking specifically?

Maybe it would be nice if you could upload your collection.


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65679875 Report

Thanks Mage.

I too was a fan, I only got through book 3 or 4 though as that was it when I was reading it in 80s. Somehow I got distracted? Not sure why.

I played a MSH campaign of it hosted by a player in our old 1E campaign.

Appreciate the Supers updates - I'll check the OP to see about GURPS in general. For this, which books were needed the two you posted and one of the core GURPs rulebooks?

I didn't know who GRRM was then. Still didn't remember he edited those back in 96 when started reading ASoIF. Funny thing is I had other of his short stories in anthologies I read early 80s maybe late 70s? Had deja-vu when was reading Dreamsongs.


Anonymous No.65680123 Report

I agree most of their stuff is hit or kiss but the overall feel is good and underlying mechanics pretty solid. I usually just change and adjust things that feel off and there is a lot of stuff in there to draw inspiration from so it's ok imo.


Anonymous No.65680152 Report

Quoted By:

Dusty Shelf has it


Anonymous No.65680198 Report

Get ready to be DMCA'd


Anonymous No.65680314 Report

Quoted By:

Not you again...


Anonymous No.65681063 Report

A new edition of dark conspiracy is being crownfunded at


Anonymous No.65681424 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Maelstrom Domesday


Anonymous No.65681507 Report

Quoted By:


Estacion Terminal
Realidad Incognita

spanish settings for Hitos and Fate, respectively, published by Nosolorol.


Anonymous No.65681539 Report

A lot of SaWo settings and adventures are quite nice. Deadlands adventures in particular are usually good. You are better off running them with another system, though, SaWo is a swingy ill-thought system that gets bogged down in tactical combat hell every time.


Anonymous No.65681548 Report


I loved Wild Cards back in the day. Made it through all over them over the years. GRRM was so much better as an editor than as a writer.

Fully expect a Wild Cards series to appear at some point. I know it's been talked about a couple of times over the decades, but I can see it happening now.


Anonymous No.65681782 Report

THW sold it to Rebel Minis and removed it from their store.


Bytee No.65682037 Report

Quoted By:

Lots of great stuff in the Volas this morning! That's the spirit Donors ... spread the wealth! aaand thank you!

Added to the O-S-R Wish List ... hopefully they'll get Under Dark Spires out next.


Bytee No.65682051 Report

Quoted By:

It's def annoying, mostly in that it is less efficient than requesting here, and oftentimes the requests are in already one trove or another.


Anonymous No.65682070 Report

Quoted By:

Guys I'm looking at both the English version and the Original version (Spanish) Revised of Anima Beyond Fantasy and there are diferences in terms of mechanics between both editions, starting with the way "Characteristics" are tested. In the Spanish version the 1d10 adds to the characteristic to beat a Dif value, while in the English the value rolled in the 1d10 must be equal or less than the characteristic value to be a success, with the diference giving the margin of success.

Is there any updated Spanish version or is it that the last version is that revised Spanish edition that actually changed the mechanics?

I prefer to read the originals BUT this Spanish edition seems so full of typos and errors (The Rule of 10 and 1) is completely missing in the Spanish version. Only the examples are given not the actually rules, for instance.


Bytee No.65682082 Report

Quoted By:

Compendium, Judges Guide, Lankhmar City are the Kickstarter previews. They're probably looking for the not-Kickstarter previews. I would have thought they'd be out by now too.


Bytee No.65682098 Report

Compendium, Judges Guide, Lankhmar City are the Kickstarter previews. They're probably looking for the not-Kickstarter previews. I would have thought they'd be out by now too.


Anonymous No.65682194 Report

Looking for The Great City: The Elder Wards by 0one Games for PFRPG.



Anonymous No.65682416 Report

Takes more than mechanics alone to earn my interest. MYZ & GA were solid. Mech felt like a comedy sit com with a canned laugh track.
As you say, FL's stuff is hit or miss. While Coriolis is one of the five best games I've come across since first playing in 1979, Tales From the Loop is memberberry-laced anachronistic nostalgia.
I just hope they don't neuter Symbaroum nor shackle it with a d20 chastity belt.


Anonymous No.65682430 Report

Are you informing everyone of your intention to back it and share the results here?


Nergal No.65682567 Report


Anonymous No.65682727 Report

They might well have done, anon, but it is in the THW trove.

TYVM, anon.


Anonymous No.65682934 Report

Looking for the PFRPG module by Storm Bunny Studios called "The Silver Box".

Any help would be most appreciated.


Anonymous No.65682939 Report

Quoted By:

Godsend. Thank you.


Anonymous No.65683026 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65683069 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Snowhaven Jumpstart by High Level Games (5e). Please and Thanks, all!


Anonymous No.65683105 Report

Quoted By:

looking for 2 of the bigger books from DMs Guild

> Encounters on the Savage Seas
> Encounters in the Savage Wilderness



Anonymous No.65683206 Report

Requesting any and all CoC 7e stuff
trove has some but not all


Anonymous No.65683336 Report

Quoted By:

Seeking some Kobold Press (5e) goodness .... specifically, Courts of the Shadow Fey.

Cheers & Happy Collecting!


Anonymous No.65683346 Report

Quoted By:

Ah sorry about that
Don't have any other versions myself though sadly :(


Anonymous No.65683355 Report

Quoted By:


Gears of Defiance


Anonymous No.65683356 Report

I might. What's missing?


Göra No.65683461 Report


Anonymous No.65683523 Report

>Personally never seen any room mod say it's annoying as fuck.

Vola doesn't work like forums or even chans, anon. There's nothing that denotes a nick in the chat box as the room's owner and the owner isn't present even a fraction of the time. (That's why it's important to make posts here reporting any poison pills you see in a room.) Also because the messages you see begin anew each time you visit, an earlier message from the owner about requests wouldn't be seen. AFAIK, only one room mentions allowing requests in it's title description.

Anyway, it's a matter of degree and not kind. An occasional uploaded request in a room or two for a file (which is usually already curated in a trove) isn't too bad, but we're multiple requests across several rooms being made more and more often. Just a few months backs, one beggar was upping ~6 request texts across several rooms every 48 hours for the better part of a week.


Anonymous No.65683535 Report


What's missing?

Anonymous Valentine Smith

Anonymous Valentine Smith No.65683546 Report

Quoted By:

You are not the only explorer looking.
Not shared yet.
A couple threads back someone said they were going to buy it but if they did, they haven't yet shared it here.

PS no need to obfuscate requests; it doesn't help and can sometimes hinder.

Anonymous Valentine Smith

Anonymous Valentine Smith No.65683646 Report

To weigh in:
Beggars are annoying in any venue.
Singular requests in several vola rooms I frequent get filled all the time.
That said, I've never requested anything in that manner but I have provided for some requests I've seen like that. I've also seen plenty shared in a /r/ that don't get posted on this list.

Being a dick about something is never acceptable, but being gracious while sometimes toes stepping over unspoken lines shouldn't been seen as annoying.

To paraphrase a favorite adage:
Courtesy and gratitude may not be the common parlance of 4chan, but that's just the way I roll, motherfuckers.


Anonymous No.65684188 Report

Quoted By:

>Being a dick about something is never acceptable, but being gracious while sometimes toes stepping over unspoken lines shouldn't been seen as annoying.

In other words and as already explained in the post you responded to, it's a matter of degree and not kind.


Anonymous No.65684215 Report

check vola /r/sharebears in 10 minutes or so.


Bytee No.65684460 Report

Quoted By:

No worries on my end. I had the KS versions without knowing it for a looong time, and didn't label them as such. So it is probably my fault to begin with.


Anonymous No.65685019 Report

Humble request

"Good society: A Jane Austen RPG" and his Expansions:
"Pride, Prejudice and Practical Magics"
"Sense, Sensibility and Swordsmanship"
"Expansion Deck of Cards "


Anonymous No.65685061 Report

Quoted By:

vola /r/theinnertemple


Anonymous No.65685093 Report

Quoted By:

There's a kind anon who can share a scan of Saga Age of Magic?


Anonymous No.65685321 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65685452 Report

The room mod's posts are denoted with a crown next to their nick


Anonymous No.65685653 Report

Quoted By:

Does anyone have Revenant World, please?


Anonymous No.65685852 Report

Quoted By:

>The room mod's posts are denoted with a crown next to their nick

True but because of the way the chat box works you don't know whether a room mod is present or not until they post in the chat box.


Anonymous No.65686038 Report

Quoted By:


Mutants & Mastermnds (second edition?) had a Wild Cards sourcebook, too.


Anonymous No.65686162 Report

>trove has "some", you still ask for "all"
>fail to respond as to what is actually missing
>doesn't seem like any official release is actually missing
>probably won't get what you want


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65687322 Report

Quoted By:

Bummer - I saw some issues with the War of the Dead I got - seemed pretty hard to headshot if you made non-military/cop civilians with default gun skills. Kind of had to game it to play it.

What did you mean by "swingy" if can say in nutshell without too much thread distraction :) Bogging down in tactical I understand in theory as haven't played it yet. Never liked the later 3.5E growth of combat as a game - thing.

Any recommendations on what Deadlands is easily played under/converted?


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65687346 Report

I agree. Between GoT and frigging Marvel hero flicks, the writing is clear on the wall.

It remains to be seen who takes it up. If rights were not elsewhere now I bet HBO would drool at "dark" drama like that.

Love to see Abercrombie First Law too. Got into that from reading GRRM edited books too.


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65687379 Report

I put up a pair of maps (same map different format) I had downloaded not too many months past. Noticed it was only one side of the GH Ashes. Does anyone have the matching halves?

I put it up on InnerTemple so you know which I meant.


Anonymous No.65687381 Report

Am I the only one thinking he is talking about "the Trove" instead of the correct CoC trove he should be looking at?


Anonymous No.65687472 Report

I agree, ironically it is named Me(c)hatron lol. But even though it is more lighthearted when compared to other MYZ games, it prompted one of the best "runs" that my group had for example. They essentially concurred that the robots they played, though "sentient", were psychically not older than 4 to 8 years of age. They went on to accept that made robots to be by nature childish and naive and created what can only be described as "kids next door meet Primordia" - with a makeshift tree house as well as their base. They went on to explore the apocalypse as kids would, going on a weird and glorious adventures, with the childish naivete confronted and conflicted through the grim and harsh reality often encountered. The heavier encounters did a number on their programming and they roleplayed it as if bots developed some sort of acute need for escapism, trying to stay true to their original programming in spite the world around them and went on doing unnecessary and silly stuff with lots of make-believe. Too bad it lasted for like just four sessions.

Apart from that, I had no experience with not!Stranger Things and just peeked a few times into Symbaroum, the atmosphere and the art style are pretty inviting. Things From the Flood and Electric State also look interesting. But that is one of the best things about Free League so far: even if they fail and miss their target by a mile, there is always at the very least enough good artwork, ambient and ideas to keep you going and inspire you if not to fix it, then to mine it for coolshit and integrate into something of your own.


Anonymous No.65687512 Report

Anybody got the e23 OEFs for GURPS Classic Bestiary, GURPS Classic Ultra-Tech and GURPS Classic Vehicles Expansion 1?


Anonymous No.65687594 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65687656 Report

Quoted By:

>Between GoT and frigging Marvel hero flicks, the writing is clear on the wall.
Perhaps a bit less so given that Nightflyers didn't get renewed, but I suspect that the longevity of Wild Cards coupled with the broader superhero fanbase (probably more mass appeal than haunted spaceships) is an indication that it will happen.


Anonymous No.65687673 Report

Quoted By:

I love the mechanics and I love the flavour. Coriolis doesn't get enough love. It's my modern Traveller.


Anonymous No.65688069 Report

Kindly requesting Aethera Field Guide I from Legendary Games for PF. Thx .......


Bytee No.65688177 Report

Just wanted to give a heads up that I moved the Ice Kingdoms folder into OSR General settings. It started out Sys Neutral but seems it is clearly using OSR-ish rules and stats in its supplements since the core setting book ... and I hadn't noticed until now (Vikings, not my cup of tea). Posting because it is a pretty consistent d/l.


Anonymous No.65688243 Report

Quoted By:

anybody got any of these fine, chunky DM's Guild releases available to be shared??

1. Fellozial's Ultimate Guide to Poison
2. Unearthed Tips and Tricks: Volume I
3. Nerzugal's Tome of Horrifying Adventures
4. Mirrors of the Abyss

Game on, Intrepid /tg/ers!


Anonymous No.65688525 Report


Anonymous No.65688606 Report


Anonymous No.65688809 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for volumes #2 through #5 for Kyber Khronicles for 5E


Anonymous No.65688958 Report

Well, that was pointless.


Anonymous No.65689190 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for "Elven Nations" for ED4th.

Thank you Anons.


Bytee No.65689610 Report

Not specifically, according to DTRPG, RPG Geek, RPGNet, and my own observation. But you might be able to convince me otherwise with evidence.


Anonymous No.65689711 Report

Look at the credit pages of the Campaign guide and others in the series. Specifically says that it uses OSRIC.


Anonymous No.65689723 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting: UPDATED WFRP core rules. There was an errata. Then an Update, then another update. Supposedly the most current version has all fixes. Does anyone know where to get this version? Cheers mates.


Anonymous No.65689743 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for
FAITH: Core Book by Burning Games
Thanks in advance


Bytee No.65689885 Report

Quoted By:

/puts on glasses...
Ah, yes, there it is. I guess I can't blame them for trying to appeal to as many different systems as possible. Moving it presently.


Anonymous No.65689911 Report

Quoted By:

thank you kindly


OldDarb No.65690066 Report

/r/100shares is gone


Anonymous No.65690104 Report

Quoted By:

I can connect to it fine.


Anonymous No.65690353 Report

Quoted By:

Has anybody gotten Identeco yet?


Anonymous No.65690722 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65690764 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65691288 Report

Hi all!
I want to download two books (not related to boardgames) hosted in turbobit but I can't download anything from there. If I share the links, can anyone help me by uploading the files to another free file storage?


Anonymous No.65691550 Report

Thanks for getting my hopes up. I really like The Order of the Stick.


Anonymous No.65691736 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65692578 Report

I've looked and maybe i missed it, but does anyone have the link to the powder mage rpg?


Anonymous No.65692963 Report


Anonymous No.65693095 Report


If not out there I can get a copy to a cleaner...
How does one do that?


Anonymous No.65693214 Report

upload a pdf to 4 chan?


Anonymous No.65693298 Report

inner-temple-cleansing @ snip <dot> li


Anonymous No.65693301 Report

Read the FAQ and do NOT do what >>65693214 said.


Anonymous No.65693352 Report

Sorry for the late response. I'm not american, and had posted this and then went bed. im mainly looking for the stuff focused on Berlin, London, ect.its not on The Trove
One anon said there was a CoC specific trove, any one have a link to that?


Anonymous No.65693390 Report

snip li

(if you don't understand that link, read the FAQ in the pdf attached to the first post)


Anonymous No.65693486 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65693660 Report


It has been shared before. It seems it was never added to the /SaWo trove, but the sendspace link in Da Archive is still active.


Ryuuhou No.65694455 Report

Quoted By:

Thank OmegaEclipse for the donated Vigilante City stuff. And also, thanks for the cleaning Nergal. I was looking for those books for a while now.


Anonymous No.65694522 Report

Quoted By:


Thx. I am NOT THAT dumb. But it looks like someone else got it sorted anyways.


Anonymous No.65694864 Report

Quoted By:

Humbly requesting Worlds United, if any kind soul has it to share...


k3tamin3 No.65695917 Report

As promised here are the Eclypse Faze audio files. I ran them thru a tag editor, so if you want album covers n shit you will hafta get them yourself. Most of it is pretty trancey. To be expected, I suppose. If you like labels, I might call some of it darkstep. Worth a listen. Hope some of you find it useful. Let me know what you think.



OldDarb No.65696268 Report

Thanks. Apparently when I opened the tab however long ago, I mistyped it, and then corrected myself. I must have hit the "back" arrow on my browser. I found it odd there wasn't the usual "disabled by an administrator" message as usual. If you'll excuse me, I need to go wipe this egg off my face.


Anonymous No.65696306 Report

Quoted By:


The first two, or at least very good scans, are definitely out there though I can't access my copies atm. Tried the GURPS General Trove?


OldDarb No.65696320 Report

Quoted By:

Forgot to include the link to >>65692963. Seems that egg was a double-yolker.


Anonymous No.65696395 Report

Hey guys,

Anybody got Talislanta: The Savage Land? All trove links for it are dead.

I'm looking for the latest edition, thanks in advance.


Anonymous No.65697065 Report


Anonymous No.65697268 Report


Anonymous No.65697271 Report

Thanks mate!

For collection purposes are D6 and D20 versions available anywhere?


Anonymous No.65697282 Report


Haven't seen them, sorry.


Anonymous No.65697370 Report

Quoted By:

That's alright, gonna pledge for them anyway the book seems well done, gotta read through it first. Thanks again for bringing it so fast haha.


Anonymous No.65697503 Report

Quoted By:

It's bumping all the PF requests so they gain visibility that I do every thread. By your definition, most of the thread is pointless.

So do I. Hence the +1.


OldDarb No.65697508 Report

6 characters, so $$. Remember /file/ in the middle.


TheGreyhawkRanger No.65698005 Report

Quoted By:

Thanks to OldGeezer ;) the other half is on InnerTemple if anyone else wants those From The Ashes Greyhawk maps.


Anonymous No.65698062 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65698077 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone have any of the Tails of Equestria books other than the core rule book? Thank you


Anonymous No.65698121 Report

Requesting any of My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria digital releases except Core Book


Anonymous No.65698165 Report


You got the digital core book? Share!


Anonymous No.65698195 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65698250 Report

Requesting Mongoose Traveller 2e: Psion


Anonymous No.65698299 Report

rather, as it turns out, mongoose are shitters
Requesting MGT 1e Psion


Anonymous No.65698313 Report

>looking for a pdf
>oh well better visit da archive
>da archieve has been replaced with da pdf share
oh boy cant wait to wait for 2 days and not get my request filled
it was simply way too convenient being able to find my own god damn files.


Anonymous No.65698357 Report

Quoted By:

You love to bitch, don't you?
There are still pdfs with archives, they are just a few clicks further instead of directly attached to the topic.
You're just lazy- hope you wait a week at least


Anonymous No.65698648 Report

Yes, go for it.


Anonymous No.65698665 Report

Remember, we're not the Trove and have nothing to do with it, nor do we care about it. We have our own troves which you should look at before saying its not there.


Anonymous No.65698913 Report

Quoted By:

Have you tried the /Traveller trove? Read the OP PDF if you don't know how to find it.

Others have hinted at this, but here's the unexpurgated version: "The Trove" is not our troves (though it has been known to pilfer from them). Read the OP PDF, friend.


Anonymous No.65698934 Report

Quoted By:

>seems it was never added to the /SaWo trove

It was. In the _Misc folder.


Anonymous No.65698960 Report

Requesting 5150: Star Army by Ganesha Games.



Anonymous No.65699024 Report


Anonymous No.65699043 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65699084 Report

Quoted By:


Anonymous No.65699166 Report

Are you a curator?
Unless you are, then you aren't the "we" who maintains any of the troves.
And evidently you care enough about The Trove to comment eight hours after the correct location was determined.
Feel better about yourself now?


Anonymous No.65699283 Report

Thanks in advance.

The books are:

LEGO Micro Cities: Build Your Own Mini Metropolis! by Jeff Friesen

The LEGO Neighborhood Book 2: Build Your Own City!

As I mentioned before, both files are in turbobit.


Anonymous No.65699307 Report

Quoted By:

Does anyone have the "Book of Sires" for Pendragon? Thanks in advance!


Anonymous No.65699326 Report

Quoted By:

>LEGO Micro Cities: Build Your Own Mini Metropolis! by Jeff Friesen


Anonymous No.65699630 Report

Quoted By:

>Are you a curator?
Yes I am.

>Feel better about yourself now?
Yes I do thanks!


Posted by:

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